====== Résumé de Joshua Wise ======
This is a heavily condensed version of my resume, listing just some highlights. Please [[contact|contact me]] if you want a full resume -- I have a spiffy LATEX version! I have done plenty of other exciting and interesting things in the recent past. I'm not presently looking for a change in position, but if you're doing something that you think might excite me, send me some mail anyway; I'd be happy to hear from you.
===== The basics =====
* Joshua Wise
* http://www.joshuawise.com/
* [[joshua+resume@joshuawise.com]]
* LinkedIn: [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/joshuaawise|yes. Very.]]
===== Objective =====
Motivated embedded systems hardware and software design engineer seeking meaningful employment in areas including hardware/software design and implementation, RTL development, and systems architecture. I want to work on projects that matter; I want to build brilliant machines; I want to get things done; and I want to get things done //right//.
===== Education =====
* Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA: Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2007 -- 2011
* Graduated with M.S. and B.S.
* 'A' grade in 15-410, Operating System Design and Impl. (F'07); 15-411, Compiler Design (F'08); 15-412, O.S. Practicum (F'08); and 18-447, Computer Architecture (S'09), among others...
* TAed 15-410 (and did I ever... F'08, S'09, F'09, S'10, F'10, S'11) and 18-447 (S'11).
===== Areas of Expertise =====
* Embedded system development (bootloader development, kernel hacking, JTAG/HDT et al)
* Logic design (Verilog, et al; both FPGAs and high-speed silicon)
* Physical design (Cadence, et al; but if you make me do it as my primary job, I'll be sad)
* Linux kernel development (haven't done it seriously in a while, but do driver stuff from time to time still)
* Version control (''git'', and can at least ''p4 help'' my way out of a brown paper bag)
* System integration (various micros, various FPGAs, board design with both)
* Programming languages (lots of them, but if you make me use Perl or PHP or Tcl then it means you're not using me for what I'm good at, and I'll be pretty upset about it. Try Standard ML, Verilog, or C instead.)
===== Accomplishments =====
* Lots of them (see my [[projects|projects page]] for more interesting things).
* System-on-Chip on FPGA
* Ports of Linux to various handhelds
* A handful of projects designed and written up for students to implement
* System Management Mode debugger (!!!)
* Ext3 filesystem exploration tools
* "unrevoked" phone freedom project
* ...
===== Work experience =====
* NVIDIA Corporation, Santa Clara, CA; ASIC engineer, 2011 - present
* Tilera Corporation, Westborough, MA; all-purpose intern, 2010
* Cavium Networks, Inc., Marlborough, MA; RTL intern, 2009
* Cavium Networks, Inc., Marlborough, MA; firmware intern, 2008
* Google, Inc., Mountain View, CA; software engineering intern, 2007
* SiCortex, Inc., Maynard MA; software engineering intern, 2005 - 2006
* Laminar Research; lead Linux programmer, 2003 - 2007